21 Clear Signs That Someone Doesn’t Like You

a man smiles while the other not

Have you ever felt that someone might not like you? However, you’re not sure if you’re right or just being too sensitive… Well, it can be hard to figure out how others feel about us. Sometimes, people don’t say it out loud when they don’t like someone. Still, there are many signs that can show their true feelings.

So, let’s take a look at 21 clear signs that someone might not like you.

1. Avoid Eye Contact

When someone likes you, they look you in the eye. But if they avoid eye contact, it can mean they’re not interested in you. You might notice them looking at their phone or staring at the floor instead of engaging with you, and such behavior can make you feel uncomfortable. 

If they make eye contact with everyone else but not you, it’s a sign they may not want to connect. However, some people are shy or anxious, so consider their overall behavior before jumping to conclusions.

2. Give Short Answers Only

If you’re trying to have a conversation and the other person gives short replies like “yes” or “no,” it can be frustrating. When someone likes you, they usually want to share more and keep the conversation going. 

However, if they seem uninterested and only answer with one or two words, it might mean they don’t want to talk to you. Pay attention to how they interact with others; if they engage more with others but not with you, that’s a clear sign of disinterest.

3. No Smiling at You

A smile is often a sign of friendliness and warmth. In general, if someone never smiles at you or only gives a quick, fake smile, it could mean they don’t really enjoy your company. Genuine smiles involve the eyes and show real happiness. 

Also, if this person lights up when talking to others but stays serious around you, it’s a sign they might not like you. Keep in mind that some people naturally smile less, so look for this behavior over time to see if it’s consistent.

4. Cross Their Arms

A man cross his arms

Body language can reveal a lot about how someone feels. For example, if someone crosses their arms while talking to you, it often means they feel defensive or closed off. Their posture creates a barrier between you and them. 

Also, if they uncross their arms when speaking to others but keep them crossed around you, it could indicate discomfort or dislike. However, some people might just be cold or have a habit of crossing their arms, so look for patterns in their behavior to understand their feelings better.

Other body language signs to watch for include:

  • Turned away feet: Our feet tend to point in the direction we want to go. When someone’s feet are consistently pointed away from you during conversations, it might mean they want to leave.
  • Leaning away: If someone likes you, they often lean in during conversations. Leaning away can indicate discomfort or a desire to increase personal space.
  • Tense posture: If their body seems rigid or tense when they’re around you but relaxed with others, it could be a sign of dislike or discomfort.

5. Forget Things About You

When someone cares about you, they remember details about your life—like your favorite food or an important event coming up. If they frequently forgets things you’ve told them or asks the same questions repeatedly, it may show that they’re not paying attention or don’t care much about your life. 

For example, if you’ve mentioned your allergy to peanuts several times, but they still forget about it, that’s a red flag. Of course, some people genuinely struggle with memory, so consider their overall interest level before making assumptions.

6. Not Inviting You To Things

Being included in social activities is a key part of building and maintaining relationships. When someone likes you, they usually want to spend time with you and include you in their plans. 

On the other side, if someone consistently doesn’t invite you to things, especially group activities, it might be a sign that they don’t particularly enjoy your company.

The exclusion can take various forms:

  • They organize group outings but “forget” to invite you
  • They talk about events in front of you that you weren’t invited to
  • They make last-minute plans with others when you’re around without including you

It’s especially telling if you notice that they seem to invite everyone else in your shared social circle or workplace, but you’re the only one left out. These behavior suggest that your presence isn’t desired or valued in their social activities.

7. Being Always “Too Busy”

We all have busy lives, but if someone is constantly saying they’re “too busy” for you, it might be an excuse to avoid spending time together. If they seem to have time for others but not for you, take note! 

It’s especially telling if you see them enjoying outings with friends while claiming they’re swamped with work when talking to you. While some people genuinely have hectic schedules, consistent avoidance is a sign that they may not prioritize your relationship.

8. Not Asking About Your Life

When someone likes you, they show interest in your life by asking questions about your day or experiences. Yet, the person never asks about your life or quickly changes the subject when you try to share something personal – it probably means that they’re not invested in getting to know you better.

A balanced friendship involves mutual curiosity and care; if you’re always the one asking questions without any reciprocation, it’s a clear sign of disinterest.

9. Don’t Touch You

Physical touch, even in its most casual forms, can be a significant indicator of comfort and connection between people. In many cultures, friendly touch – like a pat on the back, a handshake, or a brief touch on the arm during conversation – is a normal part of social interaction.

If someone consistently avoids any form of physical contact with you, they’re probably uncomfortable around you or don’t like you.

10. Not Laughing at Your Jokes

Laughter is often a way we connect with others. When someone never laughs at your jokes or seems uninterested in your sense of humor while laughing easily at others’ jokes, it shows that they don’t enjoy your company as much as you’d hope.

A genuine laugh comes from enjoyment and connection; if their responses are flat or dismissive when you’re trying to be funny, it might mean they’re not interested in building rapport with you.

11. Talk About You Behind Your Back

If someone speaks negatively about you when you’re not around, it’s a big sign that they don’t like you. Gossiping about someone is hurtful and shows a lack of respect for that person’s feelings and reputation. 

Hearing from others that someone has said unkind things about you should raise red flags about their true feelings towards you. However, ensure the information is credible before jumping to conclusions; sometimes, misunderstandings can lead people astray.

12. Not Defending You

True friends stand up for each other during tough times or when facing criticism from others. If a person remains silent when others are being unfair to you or even agrees with negative comments made about you, it suggests that they don’t care about your well-being or reputation. 

Pay attention to how they react when you’re being talked about negatively; if they’re quiet while defending others in similar situations, it’s likely indicative of their feelings towards you.

13. Being Always on Their Phone Around You

In today’s digital age, excessive phone use during face-to-face interactions can be a sign of disinterest or dislike. If someone is constantly on their phone when they’re around you, it might indicate that they’re trying to avoid engaging with you directly.

Such a behavior might look like:

  • Immediately pulling out their phone when you start talking
  • Constantly checking their phone during conversations with you
  • Responding to non-urgent messages or scrolling through social media while you’re trying to interact
  • Using their phone as a barrier to avoid eye contact or further conversation

14. Break Their Promises

When someone likes you, they try to keep their word. But if a person often breaks promises to you, it might mean they don’t care much about your feelings. For example, they might cancel plans at the last minute or forget to do things they said they would. 

So, pay attention to how they act with others. If they keep promises to everyone else but not to you, it’s a sign they might not value your relationship.

15. Refuse to Share Personal Information

Sharing personal details is how we build close relationships. If someone never tells you about their life, thoughts, or feelings, they might not want to be close to you. Watch how they act with others. Do they open up to other people but stay closed off with you? It could mean they don’t want a deeper connection with you.

16. Block You Out of Group Conversations

Being left out of group talks can hurt. If someone always turns their back to you in group chats or ignores what you say, they might not want you involved. 

If you consistently feel blocked out of group conversations, especially if it seems intentional, it’s a strong indicator that the person orchestrating it doesn’t like you or want you involved.

Notice if they welcome others’ ideas but brush off yours – this behavior shows they might not value your input or presence in the group.

17. Have a Dismissive Tone of Voice

The way someone speaks to you can reveal a lot about their feelings towards you. If someone consistently uses a dismissive or condescending tone when talking to you, it’s a strong indicator that they don’t respect you or enjoy your company. 

Listen to how they talk to others. Are they friendly with everyone else but sound cold with you? Well, it’s a sign of dislike.

18. Not Acknowledging Your Presence

When someone consistently fails to acknowledge your presence, it can be a clear sign that they don’t like you or want to interact with you. It can range from subtle to obvious, but it’s always hurtful.

Some ways it might manifest include:

  • Not greeting you when you enter a room, even if they greet others
  • Avoiding eye contact or pretending not to see you in social settings
  • Not including you in conversations, even when you’re standing right there
  • Acting as if you’re invisible in group situations

If a person doesn’t say hello or even look at you when you enter a room, they might be trying to avoid you. Watch how they greet others. If they smile and chat with everyone else but ignore you, it shows they might not want to interact with you.

19. Give You an “Evil Glare”

Sometimes, looks can say more than words. If someone often gives you angry or disgusted looks, it’s a clear sign they don’t like you. Pay attention to their face when they see you. Do they smile at others but frown at you? The difference in expression can reveal their true feelings.

20. Fail to Respond to Your Messages or Calls

In today’s world, how quickly someone replies to you can show how much they care. If a person often ignores your texts or calls, they might not want to talk to you. Notice if they respond quickly to others but take days to get back to you. It indicates they’re not interested in staying in touch with you.

Usually, this behavior might look like:

  • Leaving your messages on “read” without responding
  • Taking an unusually long time to reply to your messages
  • Never returning your calls
  • Responding to others’ messages promptly but ignoring yours

21. Treat You Differently Than Others

One of the clearest signs someone doesn’t like you is if they treat you worse than others. Watch how they act around different people. Are they kind and helpful to everyone else but rude or impatient with you? The difference in treatment is a strong sign that they have negative feelings towards you specifically.

Remember, seeing one of these signs doesn’t always mean someone dislikes you. However, if you notice several of these behaviors over time, it might be a sign to rethink your relationship with that person.

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