The Health Consequences Of Surgical Errors


Surgical errors, often termed “never events,” are serious, preventable incidents that should not occur if proper safety protocols are followed. According to data from the NHS, there were 154 “never events” in the months April to August 2024. These include surgery at the wrong site, retained objects and incorrect administration of medication.

Recognising Health Consequences

The repercussions of these can be severe with a range of effects including:

  • Physical health impacts: Patients may suffer from infections, prolonged recovery periods, additional surgeries or permanent disabilities. For example, retained surgical instruments can lead to internal injuries and infections, which require further medical interventions.
  • Psychological effects: Experiencing a surgical error can result in emotional distress, anxiety and a lack of trust in healthcare systems.
  • Financial burdens: Patients might face increased medical expenses due to extended treatments and loss of income during recovery periods.

Providers in Post-surgery Care

Post-surgery Care

Healthcare providers have a critical responsibility to ensure patient safety and deliver comprehensive post-operative care:

  • Immediate response: Upon identifying a surgical error, immediate action is essential to reduce harm. This includes transparent communication with the patient and their family, explaining the error and outlining corrective measures.
  • Corrective measures: Providers should prioritise necessary treatments to address complications such as additional surgeries or therapies.
  • Support services: Offering psychological support and counselling can help patients cope with the emotional aftermath.

Legal and Financial Implications

These types of mistakes can lead to significant legal and financial consequences including compensation claims. Pursuing medical negligence claims can help cover additional medical expenses and provide compensation for any suffering.

Healthcare institutions may face legal actions, reputational damage and financial penalties due to surgical errors. But, more importantly, it’s crucial that incidents are fully investigated to ensure they don’t happen again in the future.

Steps to Take

If you believe you’ve been a victim of a surgical error, you might want to consider the following steps:

  • Seek medical attention: Address any immediate health concerns by consulting a healthcare professional to rectify the error and prevent further complications.
  • Document the incident: Keep detailed records of your medical treatments, communications with healthcare providers and any symptoms you’ve experienced post-surgery. These might be needed to establish what went wrong and used as evidence in any claim case.
  • Obtain a second opinion: You may wish to consult another medical professional to assess your condition and validate the occurrence.
  • Report the incident: Notify relevant healthcare authorities to ensure the error is investigated and measures are implemented to prevent future occurrences.
  • Seek legal advice: It’s important to understand your rights and explore potential compensation claims if you’ve suffered as a result of a “never event”.

While surgical errors are, thankfully, rare, their impact on patients’ lives can be profound. Healthcare providers must uphold stringent safety protocols to minimise these incidents and patients should remain informed about their rights and the appropriate steps to take.

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